Tuesday 9 February 2010

Plants Vs. Zombies: Iphone

Your garden goes mobile

Plants Vs. Zombies

After months of talk, a date has finally been set for Plants Vs. Zombies on the Iphone.

The game (from the publisher PopCap) proved very popular on PC and Mac and is sure to be an even bigger hit on the popular Iphone.

The task is to protect your house against a comical zombie horde that slowly shuffle (and dance, swim, pole vault?!?) across your garden.

You are not alone. To aid your survival the game features unusually powerful plants that kill the zombies. Place these plants in tactical places around the garden and you will live to see another day.

"so it is just another tower defence game?" - I hear you cry.

Well, yes it is, but it is also a very fun tower defence game that will keep you entertained for hours.

The launch date is:

Feburary 15th (aka. Next monday)

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