Thursday 25 March 2010

Review: iRemain

John Myers
Guest Writer: John Myers

A point and click flash game that will test your braaains

iRemain Flash Game

The number of Zombie-themed flash games to be found out there on the tinter-web-net is up there somewhere in the 'Bagillions'.

'iRemain' is a relatively new game that has appeared, created by Atomic Cicada Studios it is a point-and-click puzzle solver game; and has appeared to be VERY popular clocking up 3,500,000 plays in 1 month.

The game starts with you running into an "abandoned" house to escape the zombie-filled streets of the world outside. As you move through the house collected objects that you will need to escape the house and safely flee the zombie epidemic that surrounds you.

There are notes to be found of the previous occupant of the house, these are usually filled with a key clue as to where you can find an object or how you can obtain your final goal (which is to get to the van that is parked outside).

I am a big fan of these type of games, and this is probably the best game of it's format that I have played. The art work and zombies featured in the game are amazing. And it's a well designs game that will have you scratching your head as to how you can survive the undead army outside.

I'll admit to using a 'Walkthrough' to complete the game, but that is more of a reflection on my gaming and strategy skills than on the game.

This game is probably as close to perfect as I think it could be, there is a lot of back-and-forth between rooms within the house, but really that is kind of the point of the game. There is talk of a sequel, so make sure that you give this game a play (because this will know doubt be one of the big online zombie game series of the future).

Play the game

4 out of 5



At 26 March 2010 at 08:33 , Anonymous John Myers said...

Oh the spelling mistakes, please don't let my wife see it!!!


At 28 March 2010 at 14:10 , Blogger I Love Boxed Wine said...

Very good review John! I may have a go on that game

At 28 March 2010 at 19:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just finished it, was good but could have been longer


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